Sunday, September 23, 2012

Picture Saturday

Yesterday, we went to Picture People to get the kids' pictures done (Sasha's 4 year pictures and Max's 6 months pictures) And again, I am so happy with the end result (especially for a mall place). We got the yearly membership last time we were there, because somebody - and I'm not going to point any fingers, but will say this: it wasn't me... - just had to have all the pictures they were so good. I think we'll go to the same place for Max's 9 months pictures, but for his year, we'll probably go with a photographer in Brooklyn we've been eyeing. So here you go, enjoy!


Katy said...

Gorgeous kids, gorgeous kids .. :) BTW, do you recommend Sophie the Giraffe?

Yuliya A. said...

Thanks :) And yes, we looooove Sophie. Even if it's just an overpriced "dog toy". Max can play with it for the longest time. And Sasha likes squeaking it :)