Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sasha turns TWO!

To our sweet little girl,
Today you turned two years old. It is such a fun (albeit sometimes frustrating) time. We're loving every minute of our time with you: you make us laugh just about every minute of the day, you make us smile with pride, you help us look at the world through your eyes with such wonder and genuine excitement, you help us appreciate the fleeting moments of life and your toddlerhood so much more.
You're now talking in complete sentences, even though we sometimes still have to "translate" what you're trying to say to others (using somewhere around 120-130 words, I completely lost count about a week ago, when you started just saying at least 5-10 new words a day!) You're such a sweetheart, and even though you're going through a mama-phase right now, you just love love love giving kisses and hugs to everybody.  Dancing is by far your favorite thing to do and I cannot help but be amazed by the little girl you're becoming.
You brought so much happiness and love to our lives two years ago and you continue to amaze your papa and me (and everyone around us, really) with how much more fun you're becoming. So please let these "terrible twos" be fairly easy on us, but even through the hardest parenting days (and let's be honest, we all have our bad parenting days), we hope to still laugh at your little voice calling our for "mama, ascho Honey" (asking me to sing Honey, Honey by Abba to you - your new favorite) or "papa, domoi pat'" (papa will sleep at home)

We love you little girl, you are our everything. Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter!

Love, mama and papa

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