Sunday, November 15, 2009

Twirling Sasha

I have this cute little video of our little girl twirling. To classical music, no less ;) It makes me laugh every time I watch it (and I've watched it quite a few times since it was taken a few days ago)

Sorry for lack of updates lately, there isn't much going on really. We mostly read books, dance, go outside, go to story time at the library (which Sasha loves now and dances to the songs and nursery rhymes that we do there). We're still attempting to potty train, which means lots of naked time, which means few pictures that are appropriate for the blog (I sure hope my 13-year-old daughter will forgive me one day for disclosing this kind of information about her!!) But I did catch her one morning spilling her milk accidentally, walking over to that spot with a washcloth she's been carrying and wiping the floor! She mimics literally everything we do, it's hilarious!

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