Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You wanna know how we're doing?

I figure I'd update since I'm getting asked how we're doing at least three times a day. How's the potty training going? It's going. You know, somewhere. I did not expect this method to work miraculously for us and have our kid sitting on the toilet smiling from ear to ear, yelling "mama, I need to pee". She's not. But I think she may be kinda, sorta getting it. A little. She seems to get that if she tells us she needs to pee, it'll get her on the toilet to do her business. She also seems to think that if she'll tell us she needs to pee, it'll get her on the toilet and out of her crib at naptime. Yeah, naptime is ruined (nap gods, please do not leave me all alone with this for too long!) And it's either because I jinxed myself in the previous post about how much better she was sleeping or because of all the new and exciting potty training things she's dealing with. I'm willing to put money that it's the latter. But in the case it isn't, I will refrain from making too optimistic statements about any milestone for a while, mmkay?
Sasha is spending Friday evening - Sunday morning with her grandparents, so we shall see how that goes. As of right now, I'm completely convinced that it'll freak her out somehow and all her progress will go down the drain, but I'm just really looking forward to Kristin's bachelorette party in Atlantic City (plus, Z thinks I'm crazy and need to let go, that she'll be fin by this weekend). Again, we shall see...


Jessica said...

I am terrified for potty training. We are going to try this Winter but I am already having anxiety over it. Having two in diapers is a pain though.

Yuliya A. said...

I was (heck, still am) terrified! It's getting a little tiny bit better (I think, I don't want to jinx myself). I can't imagine having two in diapers though, that's crazy!